Board of Directors
Fern Hill School is governed by a Board of Directors composed of parents, members of the community, and individuals who have expertise that supports the work and mission of the school.
The Board of Directors is the principal fiduciary of the school and assumes the responsibility for its health and vitality. The Board also develops the school’s strategic plan and policies, while delegating to the Director of School the responsibility of operations and the implementation of policy.
Trustees are nominated by the Board and appointed to three-year terms. The Board meets once a month and conducts its meetings according to Roberts Rules of Order. Officers of the Board include the President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Director of School participates in meetings as an ex officio member. The Board currently relies on the work and expertise of several standing committees, including Health and Safety, Fundraising, and Governance. Membership on these committees is open to non-Board members.
Fern Hill School Board members currently include:
Bina Bilenky
Erol Boyunegmez (secretary)
Jillian Lashmett (president)
Nathan Savidge
Jenn Boyunegmez (ex officio)